Holidays at C.Ş.E.I. „Orizont” Oradea
-mobility within the project KA210 „Having Fun in Learning- Gamification”
„Orizont” School Center of Inclusive Education Oradea celebrated, together with its partners within the Erasmus+ project KA210 „Having Fun In Learning – Gamification”, identification number 2022-1-EE01-KA210-SCH-000081117, week 10- 14 October 2023 – ErasmusDays#, by carrying out mobility in Oradea.
The partners, special schools from Estonia, Hungary and the Netherlands: Mozgásjavító Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Kollégium, Egységes Gyógypedagógiai Módszertani Intézmény, Hungary, Global Education Center Amsterdam, Netherlands, Tartu Herbert Masingu Kool, Estonia (coordinator), pupils and teachers alike, participated in the mobility activities in Oradea together with students and teachers of our school.
On the first day of the mobility, all guests were welcomed with bread and salt. The welcome speech was delivered by the coordinator of the host school, teacher Cărădan Adina, Mr. Inspector Negruțiu Florin, Director Mrs. Sipos Lăcrimioara and Mrs. Deputy Director Marușca Angela. Students of C.Ş.E.I. ,,Orizont” Oradea prepared a short artistic program, a collage of poems and songs in English. After the presentation of the school institutions enrolled in the project with PowerPoint and Kahoot materials, the guests were invited to visit our school institution, offices and classrooms. All participants made products in the five workshops on Art Therapy afterwards. This was followed by a sightseeing tour of the city made in the City Bus.
On the second day of the mobility, the mobility participants entered the classrooms, carrying out activities together with the teachers and students of C.Ş.E.I. ,,Orizont” Oradea. Ph D Kevin Storm, professor at Global Education Center, Netherlands held the course „Gamification in special education” for students and teachers participating in mobility. The students took turns using VR glasses to complete the drawings on the tablet. The beauty of Oradea Fortress and its surroundings was admired by the participants in the afternoon of this day.
On the third day of mobility, all participants monitored gamification activities held by the teachers of C.Ş.E.I. „Orizont” Oradea. The participants in the mobility used the programs:, Just a Line (AR drawing), Procreate (digital drawing app on ipad), Chatgpt. On a warm and sunny October afternoon, guests appreciated the beautiful resorts of Felix and 1 Mai.
On the fourth day, the participants visited the castle in Ciucea and spent good quality time at Turda Salt Mine.
Day five was intertwined with activities of students, accompanied by their teachers, who spent several hours at Aquapark Nymphea. Activities to be followed within the project were discussed by the coordinators.
All project objectives: openness to European multiculturalism, integration of both students and teachers in transnational groups, development of cognitive, cultural, social experience, promoting teachers’ openness to using gamification method in the classroom, establishing exchanges of international best practices, are fully fulfilled through sustained activities.
School activities, visiting together tourist points of international interest: Felix Resort and Turda Salt Mine, working in transnational teams, supporting students in activities they enjoy on gamification, building relationships, exchanging good practices, developing skills, are elements that bring a huge gain in the personal development of each within this Erasmus project.
Teacher Cărădan Adina
Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă ,,Orizont” Oradea