Kindergarten, Elementary and Specialized Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Students’ Residence




In Budapest, near​​ City Park, numerous children with physical disabilities have been playing, studying, doing sports and getting ready for life and integration to society more than for 110 years. This was the first institute in Hungary established as a charitable act by Deák​​ Ferenc Freemason Lodge as ‘Home and Association for Crippled Children’ on 24 December 1903.

In the middle of the twen­tieth century the institute moved to its final place, 60 Mexikói Street Budapest that only became totally accessible after a great reconstruction in 2010 offering a real twen­ty-first century surrounding to the education, training and care. The new building complex provides new possibilities for students with physical disabilities in the forth-coming decades. The renewed and reno­vated old​​ building and the well-equipped and totally accessible new buildings with their special, modern and functional design and furnishing serve the everyday development of students with physical disabilities.



’Mozgasjavito’​​ Kindergarten, Elementary and Specialized Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Students’ Residence​​ is​​ a​​ multi-functional institution​​ with the main aim to help students to get to the highest degree of independence by the co-operation of the institutional​​ units. In the philosophy of the school you can meet value orientated development of its profile, keeping up traditional and institutional activities which all act for equal opportunities of our students.

Our main principle is to participate in forming the​​ attitude of the whole society in the field of equal opportunities where ac­ceptance and not charity defines rights of people with physical disabilities which searches for chances in social participation and promotes individual education, health and social​​ care, and the possibility of an autonomous life of quality.

Basic profiles:

  • Kindergarten

  • Elementary education

  • Secondary education

  • Students’ Residence

  • Unified Special Education Methodology Centre with educational and professional support services



The most important speciality of the institute is therapy that frames whole day and is improved during the total time of educa­tion. It can be characterized by general approach, individualized and differentiated therapy, a great choice of methods, functional­ity and co-operation. It always offers adaptable methods, depends on age, disability and status, and it is always defined by the goal it wishes to hit.

The programme of therapy covers each unit (kindergarten,​​ elemen­tary school, secondary school, students’ residence) like a web. Therapy is a complex activity that comes true not only in therapy classes but during the total time of education and it implies diag­nostics, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, adapted PE, sports,​​ train­ing for everyday activities, ergotherapy, catering for medical and rehabilitation aids and preparing for independent life.

All our students are offered therapy programmes on a large scale – not only students with CP​​ but also with missing or deformed​​ limbs, forms of diseases causing flaccid paralysis (progressive muscular disorders, congenital or acquired injuries of the spinal cord, etc.), orthopedic disorders (spinal deformities, scoliosis, etc.) or other forms of diseases (arthrogryposis multiplex con­genita, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).



Since 1978, a pre-school education section has been functioning in our institute. This section became kindergarten in September 2013. Currently, we accept children with physical disabilities from the age of 3 in three different groups of 9.

In our small groups special kindergarten teachers provide complex approach of movement education for the children and in every group there is a special needs assistant helping teachers’ work.

Aspect of education for​​ self-sufficiency is present in our kindergarten children’s daily routine and everyday life. In the groups we put emphasis on pre-school education and on compensation of handicaps originating from physical disabilities. We provide individual development in​​ different areas for children who need it: for example speech therapy, vision training, augmentative and alternative communication development and hearing therapy.



The curriculum and timing of the elementary school is like that of other mainstream elementary schools, only the circumstances of realization are different.​​ 

Depending on diagnosis and motility conditions therapy may happen individually or in small groups, in a gym or in water. Training for independence is there at each school situation and free time activity. Beside therapy sports have an important role in students’ education; ‘Mozgasjavito’ Student Sports Association supports students who may participate in the Paralympic games.

Teaching and learning are carried out in classes with 8-12 per­sons but we have several subjects like English, Craft, Occupation­al Therapy, Typewriting, Informatics and Art, where students are separated into smaller groups to make circumstances of educa­tion more effective.

Our elementary school structure has a special 5 year-long upper school time, for those who progress slowly, or have a more severe state of motion, permanently or temporarily.

Taking into account disability-specific needs, students may have individual activities, such as coaching​​ classes, sensomotor de­velopment, dyslexia re-eduction or ergotherapy. Students with speech disorders or communication problems are treated with speech therapy.



Under the permission of the council of Budapest from the school year of 2010/2011 our new secondary school has started with a preparatory language class to ensure the continuity of further education for students with physical disabilities.​​ 

This school (functioning as a secondary school since 2015) ends with a Final Exam after five years of education. Candidates – who are all physically disabled – have to sit for the general central entrance examination and the best 10-12 stu­dents can be accepted.


Disabled children and young people needing special education​​ get a recommendation from the National Expert and Rehabilita­tion Committee for the Evaluation of Movement and Special Ped­agogical Service Center (address: Budapest, Mexikói út 60, 1145 Hungary, Tel/fax: +36 1 220 6459) both for elementary and sec­ondary​​ school and after participating in the ‘meet and greet event’ organized by our school, students can gain admission to school.



In the students’ residence independent learning, sports, culture and free-time activities are guaranteed for​​ students as well as some basic knowledge for independent life. Following the reconstruction the students’ residence has a new apartment-style system. Students meet here a very homely atmosphere; they can study the rules of living together, housekeeping, managing financial is­sues by experimental learning. This structure needs a close co-operation with the school creat­ing a comfortable atmosphere to get prepared for school studies.

There is a professional medical (pediatrician, neurologist, oculist, dentist, dermatologist, orthopedist) and nursing team. Further­more, it provides medical aids as well.



Stepping out of the building with the help of the Methodology Centre the school provides​​ educational support and​​ professional services. In the centre of the activity of the Methodology Centre we can find the assistance of teaching students with disabilities at mainstream schools. To improve equal possibilities it is necessary to make experts, families and students of​​ the same age work ef­ficiently together. The main aim is to help parents, teachers and integrated students with physical or multiple disabilities in the mainstream schools and to prepare environment for organizing successful inclusive education.



In the person of Pál Zsótér (1912-1980), head teacher of ’Moz­gasjavito’ Elementary School for nearly two decades (1954-1972), our staff has found the appropriate individual to become the sym­bol of the objectives of the Foundation.​​ 

The​​ goals of the Foundation are: improving living conditions of disabled students and raising the level of education and nurs­ing in ’Mozgasjavito’ Elementary and Specialized Secondary School, Unified Special Education Methodology Centre and Stu­dents’ Residence by creating appropriate personal and material conditions to improve students’ rehabilitation and increase their chances in starting life.​​ 

One of its most important tasks is to ensure conditions needed for the training programmes which help to become​​ independent.​​ 

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